Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Secret Santa is coming to...bloggers!

Hello everyone!
Hope you're feeling fine and that you are deeep into the Christmas spirit.
As far as I'm concerned I am very excited that finally holidays are here!
Of course, for me and some other bloggers the festive spirit was all around us many many days ago.
The reason: Two very inspired bloggers Zina from efzin and Gia from OnePerfectDay had the lovely thought to propose to us a gift exchange.
Without any hesitation, I was thrilled with the idea!
I couldn't wait to create something for a special someone secretly and to expect a little package for me into my mailbox!
So about a week ago I received an adorable little box accompanied with a very very cute card from Niki the one of the two bloggers from mommywiki.gr , a very interesting blog about kids, diy creations and many many more.
Niki made a handmade neclace with wooden beads in orange, white and beige especially for me

and she wrapped it in a box that was amazingly decorated.

 The card she made was lovely as well and full of Christmas wishes.
 Thank you Niki for being such a great Secret Santa!
 Happy Holidays to you and your beloved ones!

Thursday, 4 December 2014

A simple yet lovely wedding!

Ηello everyone!
Hope you are doing fine.
Αs I mentioned in a previous post things are going fabulous on this side of the blogosphere.
Το be more specific and more personal -although I'm not used to doing this here - about fifteen days ago me and my fiance (the most incredible, kind and sincere person I have ever met) decided to unite our lives officially.
Yep, that's right, I got married!( I can't even believe it myself this moment I am writing it down!).
Ι mean I have always been not exactly an against marriage person but certainly I was pretty scared of the idea.
The little girl who would always dream herself inside an amazing wedding dress, no that was definitely NOT me!
But never say never I guess...

The ceremony was nothing fancy since it was a civil wedding but I really enjoyed the whole procedure and the simplicity of it.
The event was held at the Τοwn Hall of Pylaia and it was hosted by a very easy going and friendly deputy Mayoress.
Very few people attended it given the fact that we are going to repeat the ceremony according to the Greek Orthodox ritual sometime in the future.
Βut nevertheless we did enjoy it and we tried to keep many of the things people do on a big and very formal wedding.You know the usual stuff, a white dress, wedding rings, a bouquet, lots of photos etc.
That's it folks!
Kαι στα δικά σας οι ελεύθεροι!
(Pardon my Greek but this is an expression we use in order to wish a single person to get married soon and I can't find a similar one in English :) )
P.S. Here is just a glimpse of our petite ceremony.
Hope you enjoy!

Well, this is not part of the ceremony actually but I thought I should grab the chance and give some credit to the amazing Etsy shop my fiance ordered this lovely ring from

A written copy of the little speech -full of wishes and advice-  the deputy Mayoress gave

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Diy sewing box

Hello everyone!
Hope you're doing fine!
Well, this must have been the longest absence from my blog due to reasons I will write in a following post but I have to admit things have been pretty good and joyful for me lately (But as  I said I will tell you about it sometime soon in the near future).
In this post I would like to share with you a diy sewing box project I did a few weeks ago.
It wasn't  a very difficult one, provided of course you do know some things about decoupage (it seems that my decoupage lessons paid off after all!).
So here it is...
Αll you need is:
An old cardboard or wooden box
A small paintbrush
Some sewing themed patterns (I found mine from Google and then printed them)

Decoupage medium
A piece of blotting paper (I used one little piece from the decoration of a flower bouquet)
A pair of scissors in order to make a couple of holes
A piece of wire (I used a plastic covered one)
A piece of ribbon
A fancy extra shinning/pearl/strass button for decoration (or any other button for that matter)

Now let's move on with the procedure:
First of all, take the box and start the decoupage technique( you know the drill- you put some decoupage medium onto the box with the brush then stick the piece of paper and then put some more decoupage medium onto to the piece of paper).
Do this in every area you would like it to be decorated with sewing patterns.
I for example decorated the top of the lid and the side of the box.

Then after the papers are dried turn around the lid and take a strip of blotting paper and glue the sides of it to the inside of the lid (This was the place I put all my safety pins actually as you can see in the picture).
After that use the piece of wire to support the pair of scissors and make a hole so that you tighten the wire in front of the lid (This is where I put a) a piece of black ribbon so that I could 'hide' the knot of the wire and b) the fancy button for the same reason).

Well, that's about it...
Now stuff the sewing box with every thread, needle, button,safety pin etc. that you possess.
Little boxes and bottles will be most helpful at this point.

Hope you found the project interesting.
I enjoyed so much doing it and I think you will too...
Cause after all sewing mends the soul! :)


Wednesday, 22 October 2014

An interview and a giveaway!

Hi everyone!
About a week ago I had the pleasure to see my jewelry creations presented in one of the coolest blogs I happen to follow: Efzin creations.
The owner of the blog, Zina (who apart from being a successful blogger is a very talented jewelry maker herself -by the way you can check out her lovely creations here) offered to post in her blog a mini interview of mine.
I must confess that the whole presentation was really exciting for me.
In fact, I was really touched by her soo kind words and of all the positive comments that her followers have made about me.
It was really moving!!
At the end of the interview there is a giveaway where one my creations will be offered to one lucky winner.
The procedure is pretty simple: All you have to do  use the Rafflecopter and earn more entries.
The competition ends in 3 days so you still have time!
The winner will be announced on the 27th of October.
You can see the post and the competition here.
P.S.1 I would once more like to thank Zina for giving me the chance to promote my jewelry through her blog.Thank you girl!!
P.S. 2 Good luck to all of you!

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Summer in Sithonia

Hello everybody!
Long time no posting, right?
Well, you know how September is ...A month full of new goals and priorities as well as lots of obligations and plans that summer and its low rythms has left unfulfilled and delayed.
To tell you the truth, I've always thought of September as a  fresh new start in every year much more than the New Year's Day. I mean, summer is a period that I would get some rest and at the same time make some sort of thinking of all the good and bad things that happened the year before. So in this sense, September is the beginning of a new era and a starting point for new things.
Anyway, before I tell you about my plans for this new 'year' I believe it's time I told you about some of the things I did last summer.
I've had a great time visiting one of the places that here in Thessaloniki is supposed to be a very close and ordinary destination for weekends and short trips. Yep, my greek followers guessed it right...
 I've spent my summer holidays in Halkidiki (Sithonia to be more exact) and although I'm a great fan of Aegean islands such as Cyclades that have a traditional flair I, once more, got overwhelmed by the wild beauty of a paradise that is practically one step away from home.
 Pines and olive trees, golden sandy beaches with lukewarm, crystal clear waters, amazing sunsets and great food are some of the assets that this blessed place has to offer.

The photos describe it so much better than I do actually, so my rambling is over...
Have a great autumn everyone, hope you've had a great summer as well!!

One of the most picturesques beaches at Sykia

Marine of Porto Koufo, one of the most tranquil and adorable places in Sithonia
Sunset in Porto Koufo

Ethnic Beach Bar in Tristinika beach, in my humble opinion the loveliest beach bar in Greece

Sunset in Tristinika beach
Talking about a GIANT pizza!

One -out of many- of the extraordinary mouth watering desserts

A turtle family in Toroni

Octapuses drying in the sun, getting ready to become one of Greece's most famous appetizers

Me at Neos Marmaras

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

We have a winner!!

Hello everybody,
As some of you that follow the feedback of my facebook page will probably know, there is a winner for the summer giveaway that has begun about a month ago.
And the winner is... Zina from Efzin creations!!
Congratulations Zina!
The multi color pendant is already on its way to Crete!

P.S. 1 I would like to thank you all for participating in this contest.It has been such a pleasure receiving your comments and kind words...In fact, the whole experience has been so great for me that I'm planning a giveaway sometime soon, so stay tuned!
P.S. 2 Have a great time and enjoy the rest of the summer.As we all know, especially here in Greece, so many sunny and hot days are ahead of us so just make the most of them!

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

A summer giveaway!

Hello there!
Hope you are doing fine...
It's been quite a long time since I wanted to plan a giveaway contest with one jewelry of mine but due to obligations of all kind I postponed it for later and later and so on...
But as everything comes in good time in life (and probably everywhere else) this is as good time as any for a summer giveaway contest.
The jewelry I'm giving away is a handmade alpaca pendant with multi color beads.
This is it...

So vibrant and summer-ish if  I do say so myself!

Well, the contest rules are pretty easy I guess:
a)Leave a comment below this post along with your name and e-mail so that I can contact you if you are the lucky winner
b)Follow my blog on blogloving
c)Like my Facebook page
d)Like my Etsy shop
That's it!!
For extra points (and possibilities!) you can share this post on your fb profile or you can tweet about it.
The contest ends at exactly one month from now (on the 9th of August that is) and I will announce the winner from here as well as from my Facebook page.
Hope you win!

Τake care for now and ...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, 2 June 2014

Easy weasy diy neclace holder

Hello everyone and happy June!
As I have mentioned before winter has been a rather hectic period for me for lots of reasons.
But nevertheless from time to time I had the pleasure to find a few moments for diy creations that actually kept me relaxed and gave me a boost through tough times.
One of these moments was when I finally decided to set my neclaces free...Yeah, you read it right, they were trapped and imprisoned inside a jewelry box, tangled to one another and whenever I decided to wear one of them it was so complicated (literally speaking!) that I would change my mind and say to myself: Ok then, maybe you should wear a scarf or a pair of earrings instead...Sometimes I even forgot the very existence of some of them because they were in such a mess that I didn't remember they were part of my jewelry.
So one day after some pinterest searching I decided I should give an old hanger a try and transform it into a useful and lovely neclace hanger.
To cut a long story short, this diy project took me less than half an hour to create (Ok I admit it the neclace untagling took me waay longer!)
Here are the few things I needed for that:
A metal hanger
Some round bead stoppers
Stainless steel wire
Metal wire (a 0.6-0.8 mm will do)
A side cutter
A round nose pliers
A flat nose pliers
And last but not least some beads!

First of all, you turn a piece of stainless steel wire (cut it quite long and then see if you need to cut it shorter) around the metal hanger and from time to time put one or more beads for decoration.
Then use two round bead stoppers to tighten it wherever you like, either on top or at a corner of the hanger.
Make sure the wire is fastened securely and then move on to the next step which is making some wire hooks so that you have more neclaces to hang.
You make a hook like this with the round nose pliers (sorry about the blurry photo!)

and then you hang all these hooks onto the hanger at about 5-10 cm from one another.
That, of course depends on how many neclaces you need to hang on the holder!

And ta-dah!

An easy weasy diy neclace holder in less than an hour!

P.S.Needless to say that I wear my neclaces much more often than before and since I 've hanged the hanger behind my bedroom door I see them all the time!

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Spring collection

Hello everyone and happy May day!!
I hope you have a great time today with your beloved ones. Especially for my Greek followers I would like to wish you all a warm, sunny day for lots of outdoor activities.I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. April has been so rainy here in Greece that this particular wish does have a point. 
So I hope we'll have the chance to enjoy the Greek sun once more today as we do on such a day and pick some lovely flowers for the traditional May flower wreath. 

Now let me change the subject.These past few weeks have been rather productive for me etsywise speaking.I've finally had the time to do some listing at my Etsy shop and I'm pretty excited about it.All this time I've spent reading and writing for my seminar I was soo absorbed by it that I really wasn't in the mood neither for creating new jewelry nor for promoting through Etsy or other social media.
So I'm very glad that right now I have the pleasure to actually make and publish some new stuff.
In other words, my creativity is back and hopefully here to stay.
Here's some new things I've listed, just have a look and tell me what you think about it.

P.S. If weather is good today, I 'll go and pick some flowers and will attempt to make for once in my life a May wreath. Provided I'm pleased with the result I'll take lots of pictures of it and publish them here.Promise!
Happy May Day everyone!

UPDATE: As promised a photo of my not-that-decent-but-I-did-my-best flower wreath

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Liebster award part 2

As I mentioned in a previous post my blog got a Liebster award the other day by Ariadne and I have to say it's been such a pleasure taking part into this pretty cool process of saying some things about myself and finding out some other interesting stuff about other bloggers.
Now I am nominated for the second time and I must say I'm really thrilled!
Christina (a very talented jewelry maker) from xxroma   gave me the award this time and now I have to follow the rules once more which are:
  • List 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions provided by the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate other bloggers for the award who have 200 followers or less.
  • Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Notify the nominees of their nomination (ofcourse!)

11 random facts about me:
 (A little copy/paste from the first award with some necessary changes won't hurt I guess...)

1.I have a couple of  budgies that are called Bonnie and Clyde (yes, they are THAT naughty!)
2.I am a fanatic alternative pop /rock concert goer (I have to admit I've attended lots of them).
3.Athens is my most beloved city in the whole wide world! Luckily for me I stayed there for about 4 years.
4.Pop art decoration is my favorite art movement.
5.I love houses/spaces that are painted white and have pops of color. So full of positive energy!
6.Right now I am fulfilling one of my abandoned dreams: I attend an International Human Rights Law Seminar which is some sort of a master's degree (with all the endless reading and writing that comes along with it) .
7.I would like to have a cocker spaniel dog someday soon.
8.I am a yoga/meditation lover.Too sad I don't have the time to do it regularly!
9.One of my favorite walks is  about 1' away from home, through Pylaia creek.
10.I absolutely hate the new waterfront of Thessaloniki, too much concrete, so few trees! And all those red lights...Oh dear...
11.Downton Abbey was my favorite tv series this past year.

My answers to Christina:
1. Favorite color:Blue
2. Favorite movie: God, what a coincidence! Trois couleurs:Bleu
3. Favorite book: George Orwell,1984
4. Coffee or tea? Tea I guess, all flavors and kinds.
5.Which was your latest trip? I went to Samarina, Grevena.
6.What would you like to be the next? London,UK.
7.Favorite smell from your childhood?  The smell of my mom's apple pie
8. Which historic person would you like to invite for dinner? Socrates.
9. Say a dish and a dessert you would prepare for him. I would probably prepare fresh fish and a greek salad and  maybe a chocolate cake for dessert.
10. What do you consider the best element of your looks? Well, that's a tough one, my eyes I think...
11.What is your greatest talent? I think I am a multitasking person.

My questions to my noninees:
1. What is your favorite season?
2. What is your favorite part of the day?
3. If you could go back in time what would you change?
4.What is the first thing you notice in a person?
5. What kind of movies do you like?
6. Do you have any hobbies?
7.What is your favorite song?
8. What annoys you most in a person?
9. Do you have any pets?
10. Do you prefer sea or mountain walks?
11. What gift would you like to receive and you haven't yet?

And my nominees are:

Wednesday, 19 February 2014


Well, it's been a rather busy and hectic period these past couple of months for me as I have been very much involved in a Law seminar which proved much more complicated and demanding than I thought it would be.
Anyway, I am actually not complaining since it has been one of the things I looked forward to it for quite some time now (from the end of the summer when  I found out about it to be more accurate).
Moreover, I am quite thrilled with the courses (since International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law are my favorite fields of Law) and this is some compensation for me when I have to read and write tons of pages.
Enough with the legal stuff, I think it's time I told  you about the activities that keep me relaxed and creative this time around (Since my Etsy shop launching is absolutely nada due to lack of time).
That's the magic word and hobby this past month...
I have been taking some lessons and  to tell you the truth I'm quite proud of my creations (If I do say so myself!) but mostly I'm quite impressed by how easily with very few materials something artful and inspirational can be made.
As you can see from the photos traditional decoupage themes is not what I'm fond of.
No flower/romantic decoration for me...No way...Perhaps this has to do with the fact that if I chose this kind of  decoration then I wouldn't know how to match the decoupaged items with the rest of my home's (minimal) decoration.
Of course, some of the romantic themed decoupage creations my classmates made were pretty adorable
and maybe my creations are too modern/ or too weird for that matter...
Have a look and tell me what you think...
Decoupage with colorful small pieces of tissue paper

Decoupage with magazine pages

Friday, 10 January 2014

Liebster Award!

Ariadne, one of the bloggers I follow and do happen to know in person (by the way -as you may  remember from previous posts - we attended some lovely workshops which were organised by in my closet a couple of months ago)  nominated me for the Liebster award .
Thank you so much Ariadne and congratulations on your award!

To tell you the truth I had no idea what this award/nomination was till this moment.
Anyway, I think it is really cool being nominated and I will try to follow the rules as well as  I can.

The rules for the award are:
  • List 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions provided by the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate other bloggers for the award who have 200 followers or less.
  • Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Notify the nominees of their nomination (ofcourse!)

11 randoms facts :
(Ok that's the tough part because I absolutely hate talking about myself but I'll give it a try...)

1.I have a couple of  budgies that are called Bonnie and Clyde (yes, they are THAT naughty!)
2.I am a fanatic alternative pop /rock concert goer (I have to admit I've attended lots of them).
3.Athens is my most beloved city in the whole wide world! Luckily for me I stayed there for about 4 years.
4.Pop art decoration is my favorite art movement.
5.I love houses/spaces that are painted white and have pops of color. So full of positive energy!
6.These next three months I will fulfill one of my abandoned dreams:Attend a Human Rights Law Seminar.
7.I would like to have a cocker spaniel dog someday soon.
8.I am a yoga/meditation lover.Too sad I don't have the time to do it regularly!
9.One of my favorite walks is  about 1' away from home, through Pylaia creek.
10.I absolutely hate the new waterfront of Thessaloniki, too much concrete so few trees!
11.Downton Abbey was my favorite tv series this past year.

My answers to Ariadne:

1. What is your favourite travelling destination if you have  a free weekend?
   Galaxidi, Greece
2.What's your favourite colour combination?(two or three colours)
   Black and white -with the addition of red.
3. What's the latest good book you read?
  I' m reading a very good book right now by C. Chomenides called :''O kosmos sta metra tou'' 
4.What's the latest good film you saw?
   About time
5. Have you ever looked for sea glass?
  When I was a little girl, yes.
6. Have you ever been to Greece?
   All the time :)
7. What's your favourite thing to do on Christmas Eve?
Spend some quality time at a lovely christmas decorated home with my significant other and friends.
8. What's your New Year's Resolution?
   Eat less sugar.
9. How long have you been blogging?
    Almost 2 years.
10. Do you like housework?
     Yes, oddly enough it relaxes me.
11. What do you do for a living?
     I'm a lawyer/translator.


And my questions to my nominees:
1. When was the last time you learned something (skill, hobby etc)?
2.What is your star sign?
3.If you could change one thing in your country what would that be?
4.What is the characteristic in your looks that you absolutely despise?
5.What would be your ideal Christmas gift?
6.What is the Christmas gift that you have received and surprised you ever?
7.If you could go back in time, what would you change?
8.What is your New Year's Resolution?
9.What is your favorite season?
10. Do you have any pets?
11.Which celebrity would you ask out on a date?

And last but not least...

my nominees are:

Hope you pass this on, girls! Have fun!

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