Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Secret Santa is coming to...bloggers!

Hello everyone!
Hope you're feeling fine and that you are deeep into the Christmas spirit.
As far as I'm concerned I am very excited that finally holidays are here!
Of course, for me and some other bloggers the festive spirit was all around us many many days ago.
The reason: Two very inspired bloggers Zina from efzin and Gia from OnePerfectDay had the lovely thought to propose to us a gift exchange.
Without any hesitation, I was thrilled with the idea!
I couldn't wait to create something for a special someone secretly and to expect a little package for me into my mailbox!
So about a week ago I received an adorable little box accompanied with a very very cute card from Niki the one of the two bloggers from mommywiki.gr , a very interesting blog about kids, diy creations and many many more.
Niki made a handmade neclace with wooden beads in orange, white and beige especially for me

and she wrapped it in a box that was amazingly decorated.

 The card she made was lovely as well and full of Christmas wishes.
 Thank you Niki for being such a great Secret Santa!
 Happy Holidays to you and your beloved ones!


  1. So beautiful! I love the wooden tag on the box. AriadnefromGreece!

  2. Πολύ χαίρομαι που σου άρεσε το δωράκι μου! Καλοφόρετο και καλές γιορτές. Πολλά φιλιά

  3. Very beautiful necklace and gift decoration !!!! Your Secret Santa is surely amazing !!! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays !!!!

  4. gorgeous! what a beautiful. minimal necklace! and the wrapping idea, simply amazing!!!!

  5. @Nίκη:Eιλικρινά μου άρεσε πάρα πολύ Νίκη!Ευχαριστώ και πάλι!Και καλή χρονιά!

    Υes girls, everything from wrapping to the content was just perfect!
    Thank you Zina for inviting us to participate in this lovely project!
    Happy new year to you all!


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