Friday, 20 January 2017

A fresh start in Luxembourg

Hello there,
Hope you are doing fine!
Well me, I'm having a great time in the new country that my family and me have moved to about four months ago: Luxembourg.
I know I should have written more about all of this earlier, but  I preferred to curb the enthusiasm and express my feelings when I have a pretty good picture of it (well as much as anyone could have of a country in such a short period of time, that is!).
So in a few words what can  I say about Luxembourg? I just looooooove it!
It's a beautiful country with an amazing natural beauty and a fairy tale atmosphere in almost everything about it!
And when I say everything I totally mean everything.
From the landscape to the architecture of buildings (from the ones of the Medieval era till the most recent) as well as the country's public administration in all fields of life (which is something that looks like a fairy tale to a Greek!).
No wonder  why this country is supposed to have such happy inhabitants in global ranking!

Here are some photos from some short walks and trips we have had in various towns, villages and sights.
I promise there'll be much more!
Till then, take care!

View of Grund from Le Chemin de la Corniche -"Europe's most beautiful balcony"

The ArcelorMittal Building in Rue de la Liberte

The Vianden castle

Place Guillaume II at Christmas time

Christmas market -Golden lady


  1. Congratulations for enjoying living in Luxembourg! I hope we see again soon!AriadnefromGreece!

    1. Thank you Ariadne!I hope that too, I miss you :)

  2. I had no idea that you moved to a new country!!! my best wishes Dimitra!!!!

    1. Thank you Zina! And a happy New Year to you :)


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