Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Marquee sign diy project with christmas lights

A few weeks ago Ι had the pleasure to participate in a lovely workshop.
Αnna from in my closet invited me and some other girls over to her cute kitchen to make a diy marquee sign with christmas lights.
All the girls are very talented and creative people, some of them have amazing Etsy shops like Lia and  our hostess Anna and some others like Ariadne and Stella have -apart from their shops on Etsy- really interesting blogs (you should check them out by the way).

We had a blast!!The atmosphere, the laughs, the artistic spirit, the food ...Everything was great...In fact, it was so great that we decided to do it again.

So this coming Saturday we give a new appointment to Anna's kitchen with fresh, new ideas and materials to work on.
Theme project : CHRISTMAS!What else??

P.S. This is my own diy marquee sign.It took me a little longer than others to get it done but after all dreams take time to come true!  :P


  1. Lovely blogpost and your marquee is really lovely too!Yes dreams do take long to come true, one has to be persistent and patient. You seem to be both!And creative!Looking forward to meeting you again!Thanks for the mention!AriadnefromGreece!

  2. Such kind words!! Thank you Ariadne!! Looking forward to meeting you too! I'm sure we'll have so much fun once more!! :))


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