Electric blue
If of all colors I had to pick just one out that would be it.Electric blue -probably the most impressive of all shades of blue- gives me this alluring,mesmerizing feeling looking at it that very very few other colors can.Maybe it has got to do with the colors of my country,Greece, where you can find blue just about everywhere.At the color of the sky when it is sunny, at the color of the sea when it is calm and of course at the color of almost each and every detail in the Greek islands' architecture.Especially this particular color under the greek light can be transformed into an ultimate revelation to the eye.
am so glad that there has been a great come back of it in the fashion
industry these past few years.I mean, being quite obsessed with it, I
really had a rough time in the past finding an outfit in this color.But
mostly these past couple of years the fashion and shoe designers, the
make up artists even interior designers seem to have it right back where
it should be.At the top!
Just have a look at these photos taken from my latest favorite addiction: Pinterest....Isn't it sensational?Or is it my idea?
P.S.In one of my next posts I will upload some of my new jewelry creations in electric blue.It's a promise!