Saturday, 31 March 2012

THAT shade of blue

Electric blue

If of all colors I had to pick just one out that would be it.Electric blue -probably the most impressive of  all shades of blue- gives me this alluring,mesmerizing feeling  looking at it that very very few other colors can.Maybe it has got to do with the colors of my country,Greece, where you can find blue just about everywhere.At the color of the sky when it is sunny, at the color of the sea when it is calm and of course at the color of almost each and every detail in the Greek islands' architecture.Especially this particular color under the greek light can be transformed into an ultimate revelation to the eye.
I am so glad that there has been a great come back of it in the fashion industry these past few years.I mean, being quite obsessed with it, I really had a rough time in the past finding an outfit in this color.But mostly these past couple of years the fashion and shoe designers, the make up artists even interior designers seem to have it right back where it should be.At the top!
Just have a look at these photos taken from  my  latest favorite addiction: Pinterest....Isn't it sensational?Or is it my idea?

 P.S.In one of my next posts I will upload some of my new jewelry creations in electric blue.It's a promise!



Thursday, 29 March 2012


Famous last (but not least!) words

I don't know about you but I really fancy all those positive thinking quotes.Either I see them on Facebook,Pinterest or on blogs a clever,funny or wise quote can literally make my day.I find myself thinking the meaning of it during the day and trying to figure out how this particular saying influenced or applied to my life so far.There are times that a quote can be quite inspiring and encouraging for the future or it can bring a smile, a feeling of optimism in a grey, gloomy day of winter.Sometimes it can make me burst into laughter or make my sense of humor come back to me after a long, hard day.

Here are some lovely quotes from Pinterest that grabbed my attention and I thought I should share them with you:

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

White elegance

Let's go green!

Well it seems that even nowadays one can find  pretty affordable gifts to offer.I mean there are things you can give someone as a present that are under 20$ but no one could tell they are that cheap.After all, it's the gesture that matters!!!Thank you Vanessa for featuring me in such a lovely treasury on Etsy.By the way I absolutely adore the color!

'Going green with the Crazy Advertizers Team- gifts under $20' by VanessaStoryDesigns

















Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Saturday, 17 March 2012




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