Sunday, 10 May 2015

My secret bunny

Hello everyone!
Hope you're doing fine.
It's been a long time since I had to write this particular post but due to so many personal obligations I never did.
But better late than ever I guess...
Here I am with my post about the Easter gift exchange that Zina from EfZincreations organized for bloggers (Zina had also organized the Christmas gift exchange which was a blast and gave joy and excitement to all of us!).
This time the name of the exchange was Ah kounelaki! (which means oh little bunny in Greek).
The person I received gifts from was to my great pleasure and surprise someone I deeply admire and appreciate for her multi-talent personality and that I happen to know in person: Ariadne from Ariadne fromGreece.
Ariadne had a huge package made just for me and my current personal situation which is something that I didn't share with you up to now and it's high time I did:
Tah dah! I'm pregnant with my first baby, ladies and gentlemen, and hopefully I'll give birth in about a month from now.
So Ariadne who knew about it from the questionnaire I filled in about two months ago made all the goodies  I received precisely for this special occasion.
It was kind of a mini baby shower for me and I enjoyed it the minute I opened the package.
First of all, everything was sooo well and carefully put together as you can see in this picture.

Then I was so pleased with the way Ariadne wrapped each and every present.
All full of love and positive energy!

She also wrote a card with warm wishes with which I was very touched.

She put some  Easter chocolate eggs as a treat into the box ,

a beautiful colorful handmade soap made by Karalis soap

and one of the beautiful felt stones she makes herself in my favorite color, blue.

Last but not least, she stitched a little baby picture in the same color and even had it framed for me.

She was also very kind to ask me if I' m expecting a boy or a girl so that she could replace the stitch with a different color!(She couldn't ask me in advance because -you know- this would ruin the secret bunny surprise).
So given the fact that I'm expecting a baby girl she made a new stitch in bold pink for me!!

What can I say, I'm so excited and moved by all these!
Thank you so much Ariadne!
And thank you Zina for organizing -once more- a wonderful event for us!

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